Live Wallpapers 3D is an interesting tool that offers an extensive catalog of free wallpapers. Each wallpaper is organized by theme, so you can find one you like quickly and easily.
Browse the most popular wallpapers
When you open Live Wallpapers 3D, you'll see a main menu with different static images that look like they've been applied to Android devices as wallpapers. This way, you can get an idea of how that image would look on your smartphone. When you scroll down, Live Wallpapers 3D loads new and different images. At the top of Live Wallpapers 3D's interface, you'll see that these images are sorted by popularity. If you switch menus, Live Wallpapers 3D will show you a selection of animated images to give a more fun and customized touch to your screen.
Download or save your favorites
Once you've chosen the static or animated image you want to use, Live Wallpapers 3D allows you to download it or save it as a favorite. For either option, you'll be required to watch a video ad. If you download the file, it will be saved to your image gallery, so you can set it as your wallpaper or share it with friends. By saving the background as a favorite, you can access it from that app section and review your favorite images anytime.
If you're looking for fun or motivational wallpapers, download Live Wallpapers 3D's APK today.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.1 or higher required